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Kevin Mulvany

Location: San Jose/Bay Area 


Scientific content about conservation and wildlife is the main focus of my work. My process includes extensive research on my subjects before depicting them. I pride myself on finding my own sources, often taking photographic references or building models to further learn about the subject and depict it better. Many of my subjects are wildlife or landscape based because of my interests, but the same effort and reference building occur no matter the subject. Taking the time to notice fine details or understanding behavior can set your content above the others. It can make a difference in getting across to your audience.


Apart from professional work, I am an avid Herper, seeker and photographer of amphibians and reptiles, and native plant gardener. Anything I can find and study in nature interests me. 


(408) 966-8071

Instagram: kevinmulvanyart




- Graduated Cogswell Polytechnical College

- Fall of 2015 - Spring 2020


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